
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The DEFICIT: It's all about whose bull is being gored.

An old saying from law school: When youre trying to decipher why a court decided in the quirky way courts sometimes do it helps a great deal to examine whose bull is being gored. "Yes, yes, we must cut, but don't cut the things my constituents will be angry about."

That's what most Congressmen/comen are saying now about the hudge deficit crisis. Ane Obama's budget him totally unwilling to take the lead, or the same reasons. Everyone knows broad, deep cuts must be made -- to include adjustments for means-tested social security and raising retirement age. A few are stepping forward with concrete roposals for big cuts; but most are cowering from such things becaue they might make then un-electable next time around. House repos more than senators, becuse most senators can wait 4 to 6 yrs before they have to run agian.

Where, when we need them, are the statesmen -- men/women who will do what they know must be done for the nation's good and then let the devil take the hindmost in the next election cycle. Sacrifice for the good old USA?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Destruction, Deliverance, Death – on the same page

Striking sign of our times in DesNews this morning – three articles side by side: 1) Brothers charged in sex with teen; 2) LDS. El Salvador temple dates; 3) Man . Killed by police. Spiritual death, way to life eternal, and physical death, side by side by side in the news.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hasn’t your state got a state gun?

Many great things about Utah, including that our legislature sits only part time. Even so, one finds time to propose naming a pistol designed by the state’s famous John Browning, the STATE GUN.[?] Mr. Browning’s amazing talents created many fine guns, several of them of great use to our men in war.

But do we, would you, want your state’s reputation “enhanced” by anointing a state gun – best used to shoot people? For Utah, the Sego Lilly reminds of survival food in famine; the seagull reminds of answer to pioneer’s prayers. But what would the state gun remind us of? That men need weapons to kill each other? Don’t we have enough reminders of that?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Goodbye to the old yellow school bus?

Yes, money scrabblers now advocate covering our school buses with ads. I’ve had the displeasure of riding Utah Transit buses covered with ads. They covered the windows as well, and although translucent, they gave the feeling of riding in a semi-truck like a load of inmates. Saints deliver our kids from riding in such a vehicle!