
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Global Warming crowd resemblels Galileso's persecutors

Mr. Gale (4/2/11 Des News) means well, but he errs when he concludes that man causes climate change (he means global warming), claiming that all scientists believe and only self-serving politicians don’t. He ventures far beyond his literary area of expertise. Many reputable scientists believe any global warming represents earth’s own cycles, not man’s actions. The know-it-all so-called scientists clamored in the ‘50s that we were suffering a disastrous global cooling trend – beginning a new ice age. They were wrong then too. Ironic how the man-is-central attitude of these supposedly enlightened ones resembles the attitude of those who persecuted Galileo for stating that the sun rather than the earth was center of the solar system. Both crowds dangerously over-inflate the place of man in affairs of the heavens.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A mother's day poem

(For mother: Hope Beus)

To Mother on this mother’s day:
Where you have gone I cannot go,
send flowers, cards, or telephone.
It’s been foretold you see and know -

and often wince at our mistakes.
And I will add from knowing you,
you smile and pray for all our sakes.
For those are part of what you do.

You’re reverenced still in countless ways
To you this day I raise pean,
look forward to your charm again,
and cherish days with you – long gone.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So, government shut-down coming up.

Martin and Buehner won't give in, Reid and Senate Demos won't either. Even our favorite Eloquent Ditherer Obama has gotten involved. Still little progress.
Republicans hope the monster national debt is so frightening even the general electorate will see need to hold firm until Dems agree to real cuts -- even with shut-down. Dems hope for shut-down and for public to blame the Repubs for it as being too extreme to justify, like they did last time -- even if the nation's finances go to hell in a handbasket.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mohammed the last prophet?

In my recent visit with a Muslim believer from Jordan, he explained that he belileved Jesus was a prophet and that Mohammed was the last prophet. When I asked whether we needed prophets today, he said no, becaus Mohammed was the prophet for all people and for all time.
However, it has been pointed out that if one who lived in Noah's day satisfied himself he knew the law and the prophets before and therefore had no need to listen to Noah, that would not have saved him from the flood.
Similarly we must cope with floods of Satan's insidious attacks by way of drugs, pornography, abortion, and denigration of marriage, etc. Without the warning voice of a prophet we risk being overcome by the flood as were the people who would not listen to Noah.
You can have the very present comfort and guidance of the prophets of the living God by the simple flick of your remote today, on KSL Channel 5 at 10 am and 2 pm

Come listen to a prophet's voice

In my recent visit with a Muslim believer from Jordan, he explained that he belileved Jesus was a prophet and that Mohammed was the last prophet. When I asked whether we needed prophets today, he said no, becaus Mohammed was the prophet for all people and for all time.
However, it has been pointed out that if one who lived in Noah's day satisfied himself he knew the law and the prophets before and therefore had no need to listen to Noah, that would not have saved him from the flood.
Similarly we must cope with floods of Satan's insidious attacks by way of drugs, pornography, abortion, and denigration of marriage, etc. Without the warning voice of a prophet we risk being overcome by the flood as were the people who would not listen to Noah.
You can have the very present comfort and guidance of the prophets of the living God by the simple flick of your remote today, on KSL Channel 5 at 10 am and 2 pm.