
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Christian values a political liability?

I do not know much about Christine O’Donnell the tea party favorite who won the Republican primary for the New Hampshire senate seat, but recent cable news had on a female commentator making fun of her for advocating Christian values.

An extraordinary man who wrote some two thousand eight hundred years ago saw our day and warned: “Woe unto them that call evilbgood, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! --- Isaiah 5:20
I’m not beating the drum for Miss O’Donnell. I do not know whether she practices the high Christian standards she advocates. But I do stand with Isaiah when widely viewed or read commentators mock Christlike virtues. When these nihilist doctrines govern us we invite the destructions foretold by Isaiah. As one man recently said: “If we do not come unto Christ, it will matter little in the end what else we do turn to.

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